Invisible People
Invisible People is dedicated to educating the public about homelessness through innovative storytelling, news, and advocacy. 10 years after their launch in 2008, it was time to update and expand the image of the brand beyond its original grunge aesthetic and archive of video stories; creating a site that can inform and inspire.
I consulted with the client while they went through a redesign of their logo, giving feedback on the concept and execution which inspired a brighter, more professional, and bold approach to the brand. I took this approach when creating the design for the Invisible People website. The color treatment reinforces a feeling of urgency, change, and hope. The fonts are straightforward and clear. The layout and typography include highlights and shifted, imperfect elements, and a strict grid for a look that is edgy, but legible.
Once we had a solid logo to work with, we were able to expand on the brand elements for Invisible People through the design of the website.
The main objectives of the site are for people to learn more, see more, and take action! A focus on amazing content paired with simple navigation and added filtering, funnels viewers to additional relevant content and creates easy access to actionable steps and donations.
I contributed to the brand strategy, consulted on the logo design, contributed to wireframe development, art directed, and created the website interface and social media assets with production assistance and creative guidance from the team at verynice. Logo design by Zuppa, site development by Rosebud Designs, images and content by Invisible People.